A little bit of Provence on the Central Coast

We work with quite a few teams of talented landscape contractors every day who transform our paper designs to real gardens, and for this we are truly grateful. One such contractor is Andrew Noble from Cornerstone Landscaping who is transforming his first acreage into an inspiring place to come home to each day. And as his office is at the bottom of the garden this is somewhere he spends a lot of time. Andrew always has his eye out for a bargain, and has been savvy enough to snag some choice items such as a pair of antique gates (which I covet), some wonderful recycled sandstone and a grove of thirty year old olive trees which he has transplanted to a place where there was a short time ago only a grassy paddock. We’ve helped design this garden and I love his petanque pitch under the olive trees where we have used grasses, flowering perennials and annuals to evoke a feeling of wildness, which is a style of gardening close to my heart. It’s a special place.

I sometimes post the same images on Instagram as I do on the blog, but the blog allows me to expand on my thoughts, so sorry for the duplication if you’re also an Instagram follower.

If you’re yearning for some mature olive trees he has eight left…