Sydney Garden Designer Michael Cooke - Michael Cooke Garden Design

Autumn leaves, flowers, scents and berries

It’s a wild messy time of year and I love it!

The paths are strewn with fallen leaves, the weeds are growing like there’s no tomorrow and the garden surprises me every week with a new appearance – often unscheduled and unexpected.

The days have been unseasonably warm with only a few coolish nights and the fireplace inside remains unlit but the garden is showing signs of impending cold. We lit the bonfire a few weekends ago, quickly burning the remains of last summer’s pruning. A little colour has appeared on the trees but it’s the aloes, salvias and grasses that are the real heroes – well so far at least. There are sweet subtle scents wafting up from the orchard where the old loquat tree is in flower and the berries on the hawthorn are glossy and bright.

Soon it will be time for the annual clean up with the Cornerstone Landscaping crew and the garden can be put to bed for the winter, but until then I’ll embrace the season…

Aloe First Gold, Eragrostis spectabilis and Sedum Autumn Joy



Stipa elegantissima, Aloe Copper Showers and Yucca recurvifolia


Leonotis ocymifolia – or it could be L. nepetifolia and artichoke seed heads



Salvia semiatrata